MJ Event Management Provides an Awesome Atmosphere For AJL 31
MJ Event Management Provides an Awesome Atmosphere For AJL 31
MALAYSIA – MJ Event Management is no stranger in the audio visual industry and lived up to its name once again by providing their services to one of Malaysia’s greatest music award event, Anugerah Juara Lagu 31 (AJL). With a great success in the previous year’s AJL event, MJ Event Management were more than delighted to contribute their services in this year’s AJL event. The event happened on 22ndJanuary 2017, at Dewan Merdeka Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC). Performances from various artist such as Dayang Nurfaizah, Elizabeth Tan, Black, Misha Omar, Khalifah and many more made AJL 31 a prestigious music award event that fans enthusiastically attend to.
Manja was the man behind MJ Event Management
“When I first heard the news that I was given the opportunity to provide my services for AJL once again, not only me but my team and partners where more than excited,” commented Manja, owner of MJ Event Management. As the venue changed from a stadium to a hall, MJ Event Management restructured and coordinated a brand new audio visual equipment setup for the event. “Compared to the previous venue which was larger, we decided to bring in a different set of equipment not only to match the venue’s acoustic factor but to test out different setups we could do,” mention Manja. “Compared to the previous year, there were less challenges in this venue as we did not need to worry about the weather since there were no outdoor installations. As always we managed to deliver our services on time, following our timeline and plan,” commented Manja on the challenges he face for this event.
Overall more than 80 speakers were used throughout the venue inclusive of the monitor speakers. Among these speakers, there were 24 units of D&B J Series, 6 units of D&B V Series and 16 units of D&B Subs were installed for the stage. “In the previous AJL event, we mainly used RCF line array speakers. For this year’s AJL, we wanted to try a new setup, therefore we did some mix and match with D&B and RCF speakers,” commented Manja. A total of 12 units of RCF TT55A and RCF TT33A used for the venue together with D&B.
Solid State Logic makes its reappearance again for this year’s AJL Event. The SSL 500 Live Console was given the task as the recording sound console for television. “We all know that the Solid State Logic digital console is one of the best digital mixing sound console. In fact our Sound Engineer Greg, mentioned that the SSL board was simply amazing and a great sound console when he was given the opportunity to operate it,” mention Manja. “Back in 2016, we used the SSL 500 and SSL 300 for Front of House and Monitor console. The end result was spectacular and the sound was amazing. This year we wanted to make a difference therefore we decided to use the SSL 500 as the recording console for television,” continued Manja.
“As for microphones, we used various vocal and instrument microphones. One of the main vocal microphones we used were the Sennheiser SKM 2000 Series. Sennheiser microphones can capture sound perfectly. It is always one of our favourites,” commented Manja. It was thanks to Dayang Nurfaizah’s amazing vocal that managed to show the public the full potential of the Sennheiser SKM 2000 Series. That night she won both the music award and the Best Vocal award. The Sennheiser SKM 5000 Series was also given the opportunity to display its capability when Elizabeth Tan perform gracefully with it.
Greg Henderson behind SSL 500 Live Sound Console in AJL31
The SSL 500 Live Console was placed in an area above and away from the stage, limiting the amount of noise pollution from the hall. It was there that we were given the opportunity to interview Greg Henderson. Greg Henderson, Broadcast and Sound Engineer was the person behind the SSL 500 Live Console throughout the event. With influence from his uncle, Greg started his career in the audio visual industry career way back in the 80 in Australia as an assistant engineer for a studio. It was then in the 90 he began his career here in Malaysia working as a sound engineer in a studio environment. “It was Ramli M.S. that brought me to live and broadcast engineering,” mention Greg. “I started venturing into live and broadcast when Ramli asked me to join him for one of his programs, Academi Fantasia. The ball started rolling as I started to do more in the broadcast segment,” continue Greg as he configures the SSL 500 Live console. “It was rather scary at first doing something in an environment that I was not familiar with. However, I managed to persevere and adapt to the changes which allowed me to be more versatile,” mention Greg, when we asked about the first experience he had moving from studio to broadcast environment.
“Challenges I had was definitely handling the SSL 500 Live Console. It was my first time using the Solid State Logic sound console. I heard about it and I wanted to give it a go. Few days before the setup, I was given dedicated training from Acoustic & Lighting System sound engineer. I am thankful to them as I am able to familiarize with the sound console quicker with their help,” commented Greg. “One of the features I like about the SSL is the Stem group or Stem system. It reminds me of analog groups which I have been using them. You got EQ dynamics plus it is very sensitive to effect just like a normal channel, that’s very cool. It is very flexible and also easy to use once familiarize. The reverbs on this console is really amazing. Most of all, I like the sound of it. It is a really good sound console. I noticed a big different with the previous sound console that I was using. I do not need to work twice as hard. The EQ has a very sweet warmth to it. It’s a warmer cleaner tone,” mentioned Greg.
All Ends Well
With the amazing setup and timely coordination AJL 31 was a huge success once again, bringing a large crowd to witness their stars perform. “It was great event, watching it success is all I ever wanted. As for New Year resolutions or goals, I am looking to further increase my equipment inventory for various audio visual brands. I am not looking to be a champion, but to share and help out in the audio visual industry. I have great ideas and plans to extend my business not only locally but internationally,” commented Manja. “I am also very pleased and thankful to Acoustic & Lighting System, Mr. Yeo and Mahes for always being supportive and being there to help out in the industry,” continued Manja.